Who We Are
Sarasota Manatee Geriatrics is a medical house calls and geriatrics practice serving locations in Sarasota and Manatee counties. We are dedicated to providing exceptional care with dignity, respect, and compassion for our patients, and their families and loved ones.
When you see a provider from Sarasota Manatee Geriatrics, you are receiving care from a Board-Certified professional with many years of geriatric specialty experience and education, serving homebound patients right in their home, assisted living facility or skilled nursing facility. We treat our patients and their families with the kind of care we would want and expect for our own, and take the time to truly get to know you. We educate you, answer your questions, and take a genuine interest in your well-being beyond your medical issues. We believe in a comprehensive approach to your care.
This is who we are, without compromise.
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